Following Jesus, Serving Others, Transforming Lives.
Core Values:
Worship - celebrating God's love and presence in every day life
Ministry - demonstrating God's love by serving our community and in the wider world
Evangelism - sharing the truth of God's love for all
Fellowship - experiencing God's love through the support, prayer and encouragement of belonging to His family
Discipleship - helping people grow in God's love and to become mature followers of Jesus
Rev Andrew Gibson
Minister & Circuit Superintendent
Tel: 07841 405562 or 028 3888 4128
Mark Hand
Youth Pastor
Tel: 07732 088955
Church Council:
Chairman - Rev Andrew Gibson
Society Stewards - Ruth Hamilton & James Farmer
Secretary - Irene Hamilton
Treasurer - Roy Constable
Youth Pastor - Mark Hand
Property Steward - Charlie Hamilton
Members - David Best, Philip Heyburn, Alison Hudson, Frank Snoek, Tom Fitzpatrick, George Bibb.
Many in our congregation give financially to further the Kingdom Building work that we as a church family are involved in. If you are considering supporting our church financially, there are 2 main ways to do this:
1. Standing order with your bank on a weekly or monthly basis to the following church accounts:
Sort Code 950371 Account No. 31024299 - Payee Info: No. 3 account for your FWO contributions
Sort Code 950371 Account No. 50067393 – Payee info: Business investment for your building fund contributions
2. Using your FWO or building fund envelopes, these are to be given to Roy Constable (Treasurer) REMEMBER NOT TO SEND CASH, only cheques made out to High Street Methodist church please.
If you have any questions regarding financial contributions please contact Roy at 07771880018
Information about our Refurbishment Project is available at